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Before or after the solution is complete, you can plot the finite element mesh on surfaces or within 3D objects.
1. Select a surface or object to create the mesh plot on or within.
If it does not exist, create it.
2. Click HFSS or HFSS-IE>Fields>Plot Mesh.
The Create Mesh Plot dialog appears.
3. Select the solution to use from the drop down list and click Done.
The mesh appears on the surface or object you selected. An icon for the mesh also appears in the Project tree under Field Overlays --Mesh Plots.
If a solution is ongoing, you can select the Mesh Plots icon in the in the Project tree, right-click to display the shortcut menu, and click Update Plots. This updates the mesh plot to latest data available. After the last adaptive pass, the Mesh plot is automatically updated.
If a mesh includes seeding, these effects appear at the start of the adaptive passes. Any mesh adaptation at the start of a sub sequent pass is not plotted until after that pass is completed. This delay ensures that mesh plots and actual solutions remain consistent with each other.
You can modify an existing plot by selecting the plot and changing the properties.
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Ansys HFSS,Ansoft HFSS online help,Version 15.0. |
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