CST STUDIO SUITE 2015 Service Pack 4已發布
CST官網今天發布CST STUDIO SUITE 2015 SP4,編譯于8月7日。
General / Environment
Corrected naming during fast model update for transformations with a new target component.
Improved performance of the object properties dialog box for large models.
Improved port deembedding orientation for certain cases.
ADS import now reads the boundary conditions and the bounding box add space value correctly and creates discrete ports if possible.
Fixed rare issues with corrupted CST files when stored on a shared drive in the network.
Improved robustness of the writing of the data directory
Improved mechanism for aborting a parameter sweep or an optimizer run.
Support for using parameters from parts of Solidworks assemblies in the '3D CAD Parametric' import.
Corrected 'Copy View' feature during remote desktop sessions.
Added mesh view option to show wire nodes.
Hexahedral (Hex) Mesh
Fixed metal connectivity for special geometric cases.
Improved time step by changing the matrix calculation topology default.
Fixed metal fillup of edges for special geometric cases.
Added possibility to export S-Parameters from field sources via TOUCHSTONE. New Feature!
Fixed SAM model assembly containing coated and thin panel materials.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Transient Solver (TLM Mesh)
Solver no longer fails on Linux when an excitation signal is imported from a CSV file.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Frequency Domain Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh)
Projects created with version 2014 or earlier, that contains parameter sweeps over a scan angle of a unit cell, will no longer use the new scan angle sweep.
Combining frequency domain solver field probe results with an AC task will no longer generate a 1D result storage error message.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Integral Equation Solver
Fixed error in calculation of acceleration token in case of MPI.
Automatically add nearfield source excitation in special nearfield source workflow.
Show residual plots for field source excitations.
Avoid double scaling when loading cables from cable library in cases where there is a discrepancy with the units.
Fixed selection of signals when changing the cable type in the 2D TL solver.
Fixed early abort of transient simulation task.
Avoid long simulation times after NASTRAN import which contains small gaps.
Differential selection now picks the correct component when a table containing multiple components is sorted by Net.
Eye diagram value no longer changes when switching selected pins.
Improved Ibis dialog box with regards to incorrect initial pin parasitics and handling of multi-selection.
Enable highlighting of die stack components.
Fixed licensing issue of EDA import.
Avoid memory overflow due to missing circle deviation.
Fixed stability issue of IR-Drop solver.
PI Solver
Fixed internal condition violation.
Improved treatment of corner case during trace processing.
Added option for exporting S-Parameters as touchstone file.
SITD Solver
Use half TTotal for pulse width of PRBS.
Use an inverter spice block for differential signals.
Rule 'Net Coupling': Fixed so that the switching of parameter 'Differential Pair Coupling' has no effect.
Improved the rule 'Critical Nets Crossing Split Reference Plane'
Proper update of the parameter name cache for the generation of a run ID when a parameter is renamed.
S-Parameter results of mesh adapted runs are now correctly imported into the global CST DS cache
Fixed remaining Wuerth device library circuit elements containing huge node numbers.
Simulation project results from CST PCBS simulation projects are also shown in the master project.
Result Templates / VBA / Macros / External Data Access
The template 'Field statistics template sampled' now also supports tetrahedral meshes.
ResultReaderDLL now also works with relative path.
New export of E and H fields to SPARK3D v1.6.1, now as post processing step for FD-TET and Eigenmode-TET based fields. (Macros > Solver > F-Solver > Export Fields to SPARK3D) New Feature!
另外有個好消息...就是keysight ADS with CST co-simulation功能在SP4里恢復了