CST stability factor for timestep
CST 的special solver parameters里有個stability factor for timestep,這個參數默認是1,有時候仿真后會出現不穩定的提示,軟件建議降低此系數……不知降低后對結果的準確性有多大程度的影響?這個參數的具體指什么呢……
stability factor for timestep可能是時間步長和空間步長的比值。通常這個比值大,仿真速度快,但可能導致不穩定解。降低這個比值,仿真速度會慢些,但可以得到穩定的解。
這么解釋的:a stability factor that will be multiplied to the current valid stability limit for the numerical timestep. In case that a time domain calculation shows some slight effects of instability, a small reduction of the stability factor might recover a stable state. Note: Choosing a factor greater than one is not advisable and will likely produce instability.
計算過程中,出現計算不穩定時,把stability factor for timestep的值由1變為0.95時。計算就穩定了。