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Creating Reports > Modifying the Background Properties of a Report
Modifying the Legend in a Report
The legend in a report is a list of the curves being plotted. For each curve, the legend gives the name, shows the line color, and lists the setup and the adaptive pass used to generate the curve.
To show or hide a legend in a report:
1. Make the report the active view.
2. Use View>Active View Visibility or the Show/Hide icons on the toolbar to display or hide the report.
Either command displays the Active View dialog.
3. Select the Legends tab.
This lists the legend (or legends) in the report.
4. Check the visibility checkbox, and OK the dialog to close it and apply the change.
To edit the display properties of a legend:
1. Select the legend in a report by clicking on the Curve Info panel to display a docked properties window, or right-click on the legend and select Edit>Properties to display the floating properties window.
This lets you edit the Properties for whether to Show Trace Name, Solution Name, and Variation Key. At least one of these three must be selected.
You can also edit the Font by clicking the Font cell to display the Edit Text Font dialog. The dialog lets you select from a list of available fonts, styles, sizes, effects, colors, and script. The dialog also contains a preview field. OK the selections to apply the font edits and to close the dialog
You can also edit the background color of the Legend box, the Border Color, the Border Width, Grid Color (for the lines between Trace descriptions), and the Grid line width.
2. Click OK to close the Properties window and apply the selections.
To change the display name for traces, see Editing Trace Properties.
To move a legend in a report:
1. Click and hold and the legend.
The cursor changes to crossed lines with arrow tips.
2. Still holding, drag the legend to a new location and release.
The legend is released and the crossed lines change back to a mouse pointer.
To resize a legend in a report:
1. Position the mouse tip over the edge you want to resize.
The mouse pointer changes to a horizontal or vertical line with arrow tips.
2. Click and drag the horizontal or vertical edge to the desire size.
3. Release.
Related Topics
Editing Trace Properties
Showing Objects
Hiding Objects
Modifying Reports
Creating Custom Report Templates
Discarding Report Values Below a Specified Threshold
Setting Report2D options
Editing the Display Properties of Traces