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- HFSS 15 在線幫助文檔
Getting Started with HFSS
HFSS is an interactive software package for calculating the electromagnetic behavior of a structure. The software includes post-processing commands for analyzing this behavior in detail.
Using HFSS, you can compute:
Basic electromagnetic field quantities and, for open boundary problems, radiated near and far fields.
Characteristic port impedances and propagation constants.
Generalized S-parameters and S-parameters renormalized to specific port impedances.
The eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure.
You are expected to draw the structure, specify material characteristics for each object, and identify ports and special surface characteristics. HFSS then generates the necessary field solutions and associated port characteristics and S-parameters.
Note |
If you are using the Eigenmode Solution solver, you do not need to specify sources for the problem. HFSS calculates the resonances for the model based on the geometry, materials, and boundaries. |
As you set up the problem, HFSS allows you to specify whether to solve the problem at one specific frequency or at several frequencies within a range.