hi,i‘ve design a circular patch microstrip antenna...
Hi,[With what software does the given design is ba...
hi!anyone help me for calculating power transmitte...
Hello, I‘m a beginner, designing a diamond-shaped ...
hi Do you know what is the optimum distance from a...
Hi, everybody, if any one of you know how to figur...
hi anybody,can anyone share with me a tutorial abo...
Hi guys,I am trying to simulate a helical filter i...
In CST, once I input some values in frequency sett...
How to increase the thichness of the patch in a co...
I have simulated UWB ant. how can i get impedance ...
i am a new user for CST .i can not find the "defin...
Hi,I am tyring to simulate a dual port antenna usi...
i have log-periodic antenna, feeding modeled by di...
Hi....can anyone help me in simulating circulator ...
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