Hi. I′m doing a work about Waveguide slotted 2.4gh...
Hi,I have read recently about wave plane in CST an...
i want to simlute by a gaussian pulse. the definit...
How do you account for imaginary part of permittiv...
Hi all,I did simulate simple microstrip model to m...
I am simulating a 50 ou stripline in CST.But I can...
I want to compute the RCS of an infinite long cyli...
hican anyone tell me,that how can split object in ...
Hello,I am trying to use CST in batch mode. In the...
Is there anyway to draw the boundry conditions in ...
Who knows to import CST files in ADS software? Doe...
Hi,i am simulating planar antennas which should re...
I have design a physical rectangular coaxial power...
please help me in making decisionuse cst PS: but...
Hello,I design 868MHz IFA antenna. It should be pl...
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