該套培訓教程是Mentor Graphics 公司關于Mentor Expedition PCB Layout設計內部培訓教程,上下兩冊,英文原版,經典權威;Mentor公司的培訓為期5天,收費是5400元。該套教程講述了使用Expedition從建庫、元器件布局、Layout、到出Gerber光繪數據的整個PCB設計全過程,教程同時也講述了Expedition PCB設計故和DxDesigner原理圖設計工具的接口問題。培訓教程同時附有配套的的實驗練習PCB數據光盤一張。 共5天的培訓課程教材,主要講述了如下內容: ● Day 1 Introduction Libraries Overview: Library Manager and Central Library Creating Padstacking: Create simple pad geometries for building footprints Creating Cells: Creating simple thru-hole and SMD footprints ● Day 2 Creating Parts: Create intelligent part information for footprint Layout Template: Create a “seed” for starting a PCB layout PCB Editor: How to pan, zoom, and control layers and graphics ● Day 3 Layout Setup: Forward annotation from a Design Capture and DxDesigner schematics plus defining layer stackup Board Geometry: Creating a board outline and placing mounting holes Part Placement: Placing and moving parts, swapping pins and gates ● Day 4 Layout Verification: Checking for design rule voilations Constraints: Introduction to CES Routing Traces: Setting up and routing manually and automatically Generating Testing Points: Setup, manual, and automatic test point insertion Plane Generation: Creating plane shapes and processing planes ● Day 5 Silkscreens: Renumbering reference designators intelligent part information for footprint Documenting the Design: Adding dimensions and creating DXF output